Internal investigations, Computer investigations, Defensive investigations, Whistleblowing


To prevent offences and criminal liability, prepare the best defensive strategies and corroborate the validity of one’s arguments in trials, the Firm regularly carries out:

  • analysis and mapping of risks (risk analysis) and organisational deficiencies (gap analysis), with a related in-depth organisation analysis;
  • internal investigations within the company to identify risks of unlawful acts, or ascertain they have been committed, through interviews and interrogations of staff and suppliers, analysis of documentation and contracts, computer, financial and technical investigations with the support of qualified experts;
  • management of reports (whistleblowing) and any information of unlawful acts by being involved in the appropriate disciplinary procedures;
  • defensive investigations under Article 390-bis et seq. of the Criminal Procedure Code to ensure the defence’s completeness in trials involving clients.


Related areas

Corporate Governance



Piazza Eleonora Duse, 1
20122 (MI)

Studio Penco is member of the international network of law firms RedeJur
